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We provide mobile and telecomm providers with value-added interpretation and translation services that enable their users to communicate with one another, in their language(s) of choice, as well as mobile and telecommunications providers directly to their users.
Sample use-case scenarios that would be appealing to this industry group include, but are not limited to:
  • Translation of government forms with variable font sizes for the visually-impaired and talking text for the Blind
    Instant ADA compliance for all governmental offices
  • Instant ADA compliance for all public schools, plus COPPA and FERPA compliance
  • Compliance with TITLE VI for public schools, plus increased learning speed and language assimilation for students
  • Call Centers: across-language translated calls with speech-to-speech in 42 languages
  • Contact Centers: across-language web communication (speech, text, video, screen share)  up to 93 languages
  • Instant captions and translated subtitles for government meetings
  • Streaming captions and subtitles for online viewing of town councils, boards of education, PTA meetings, and more.
  • Translation of community outreach efforts
  • Across-language crowd management during hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and disasters
  • Multi-language communication between government employees and overseas contacts
  • Global meeting planning and conversations with vendors worldwide
  • Real-time translation of political speeches, daily updates, addresses to the Nation