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Instant ADA Compliance in minutes

Our solutions deliver instant ADA Compliance in minutes while generating real-time captions, subtitles, and translated voices. You own your content and we do not monitor nor store your data. All transactions with WWTC translation solutions are transient, encrypted and secure. You own your content and we do not monitor nor store your data.

Compliance standards & certifications

Education Ferpa, Coppa
Medical Hippa
Government Fed Ramp, ISO 9001

Our solutions deliver instant ADA Compliance in minutes while generating real-time captions, subtitles, and translated voices. All transactions with WWTC translation solutions are transient, encrypted and secure. You own your content and we do not monitor nor store your data. All transactions with WWTC translation solutions are transient, encrypted and secure. You own your content and we do not monitor nor store your data.

Compliance standars & certifications

Education Ferpa, Coppa
Medical Hippa
Government Fed Ramp, ISO 9001